Jointly sponsored a Taiji Qigong Class with City of Walnut, California

A Taiji Qigong class has been successfully conducted at the City of Walnut with more than thirty registered participants. Based on positive feedbacks and popular demand, future classes are being planned with the City of Walnut starting in… Read More

Breathing Harmoniously with the Earth

Warm-up exercise: Keep all joints relaxed and follow the music and movements in this link as warm-up before the 18 forms of Taiji Bagua Qigong: Taiji Bagua Qigong in 18 forms with breathing instructions: Xi: breathing in… Read More

Health Wellness Uplifting

A new category of activities on Health & Wellness Uplifting is added to BECHA website to reflect increased interests among senior citizens in applying self improvements techniques developed since ancient dynasties in China to live harmoniously with the… Read More