Health Wellness Uplifting

A new category of activities on Health & Wellness Uplifting is added to BECHA website to reflect increased interests among senior citizens in applying self improvements techniques developed since ancient dynasties in China to live harmoniously with the… Read More

Photo Gallery – December 2014 “Legendary Treasure: Down Syndrome Baby Kuan-Tin Lin’s Art Exhibition”

1. December 2, 2014 News Media Briefing Highlights 碧波新聞於世界日報的相關連接 碧波新聞於中天電視台的相關連接 – 唐氏兒林冠廷書畫展 譜寫生命奇蹟 碧波新聞於東森電視台的相關連結-1 碧波新聞於東森電視台的相關連結-2 碧波新聞於漢天電視台的相關連接   2. December 6-7, 2014 at the Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles     3. December 13-14, 2014 at the Culture Center of… Read More

Highlights from China Charity Volunteer Work 2014 – 2Q2023

In order to identify opportunities to pursue BigBall charity activities in China in accordance with the BECHA (BigBall Earth Caring humanity Association) charter, CEO James Tang visited many cities and villages in various provinces in China from May… Read More