About the Author
Mr. Chen Xoung-Chi was born on July 7, 1940. His hometown is Nan-Yang, Henan Province, China. He was a 1962 graduate of the Academy of Financial Affaires, the Combined Services of the ROC Ministry of Defense. He had served in the Bureau of Financial Affaires, the headquarters of the ROC Combined Services, the Keelung and Taipei City Committee of the Youth Corps, as well as the Chinese newspaper LA REPUBLICA in Panama. Mr. Chen is a renowned newspaper editor and had authored several books in Chinese.
This book 《The Honking of Migrant Wild Geese》is his latest writing, documenting what he had encountered while working in Panama. There are two volumes in this book: VOL. 1 includes Chapter 1, the Preface and part of Chapter 2, documenting the diplomatic affairs of the Republic of China in Panama. Through Mr. Chen’s keen journalistic observations and his penmanship, he documented in great details the diplomatic history of ROC in Panama and key players in significant events.
VOL. 2 contains the remaining part of Chapter 2, which covers stories about people served in the ROC embassy in Panama and their life stories. It’s a writing still in progress and the updated versions will be posted as he completes more chapters.
VOL. 2 has been completed and posted on 8.21.2019
VOL. 3, now in progress, is Mr. Chen’s travelling notes spanning over 40 years and will be posted later.
10/12/2020 Update: VOL.3 has been completed and posted below. There are 240,000 chracters in these three volumes all together, which is a marvelous documentation of Mr. Chen’s travel experiences during the past 40 years and covered many countries, including Panama, the United States, China, Italy, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia. Through his writing, you can understand the history and appreciate the cultural background of these places. It is far beyond the eyes of a casual tourist. Most importantly, as he mentioned in the closing article below, the desire to document his life and travel experience for his sons and future generations has provided the drive to undertake such an onerous task in his retirement. As volunteers in the BigBall Earth Caring Humanity Association, we are honored to have the opportunity to provide this platform for his remarkable work!
From Mr. Chen: 陳昌智老先生的書后語:
「陌麈落地」及「羈旅雁鳴」得力於美籍華裔科技文化界先進唐宗英先生鼎力相助,發表於碧波網站( BigBall Earth)及Google網路。
壹:回首羈旅路 猶聞雁鳴聲 (代序) 《詩經》小雅.鴻雁,有《鴻雁于飛,肅肅其羽。鴻雁于飛,集于中澤。鴻雁于飛,哀鳴嗷嗷。》之句。
鴻與雁通,比喻流民。肅肅,形容鴻雁飛行發出的聲音。中澤,棲息之地。嗷嗷,流民等待救濟之意。可見西元前八百年,人類就有了移民現象。遊牧民族,如鴻雁一般,逐水草而居,是標準的移民形態。 因各地區不同的社會現象,如宗教、政治、經濟、種族迫害等原因,而離開本土,遷移他鄉者。如愛因斯坦,因政治追殺而移民美國,華僑因家鄕生活艱難,而奔走海外。1949年,200萬軍民隨國民政府遷台,又是史上最大一次的移民。(1)
民國68年(1979年),美國承認中華人民共和國,父親的生意陷入困境,兩個稚幼的孩子面臨升學壓力,個人的經濟拮据,妻子自幼僑居越南適應海外生活,內兄在中華民國駐巴拿馬共和國大使館擔任僑務秘書,我還年輕未及四十,以及中國國民黨中央評議委員陳奉天先生推薦,擔任駐巴拿馬黨支部秘書,有一份可以維持基本生活的工作。 諸多原因促成了一生中最大的一次賭注,早眷屬八個月,於這年10月30日,像一隻單飛的孤雁,跨越太平洋,前往中美洲的巴拿馬,當了華僑。(2)
在至親摯友長輩前輩的鼓勵下,期勉自己,能在一年之內,完成這部《羈旅雁鳴》。這段歷史是千千萬萬個移民家庭,有血有淚的故事。回首羈旅路, 猶聞雁鳴聲。(4,完)
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Last Updated: October 15, 2020 by BECHA
羈旅雁鳴 The Honking of Migrant Wild Geese
About the Author
Mr. Chen Xoung-Chi was born on July 7, 1940. His hometown is Nan-Yang, Henan Province, China. He was a 1962 graduate of the Academy of Financial Affaires, the Combined Services of the ROC Ministry of Defense. He had served in the Bureau of Financial Affaires, the headquarters of the ROC Combined Services, the Keelung and Taipei City Committee of the Youth Corps, as well as the Chinese newspaper LA REPUBLICA in Panama. Mr. Chen is a renowned newspaper editor and had authored several books in Chinese.
This book 《The Honking of Migrant Wild Geese》is his latest writing, documenting what he had encountered while working in Panama. There are two volumes in this book: VOL. 1 includes Chapter 1, the Preface and part of Chapter 2, documenting the diplomatic affairs of the Republic of China in Panama. Through Mr. Chen’s keen journalistic observations and his penmanship, he documented in great details the diplomatic history of ROC in Panama and key players in significant events.
VOL. 2 contains the remaining part of Chapter 2, which covers stories about people served in the ROC embassy in Panama and their life stories. It’s a writing still in progress and the updated versions will be posted as he completes more chapters.
VOL. 2 has been completed and posted on 8.21.2019
VOL. 3, now in progress, is Mr. Chen’s travelling notes spanning over 40 years and will be posted later.
10/12/2020 Update: VOL.3 has been completed and posted below. There are 240,000 chracters in these three volumes all together, which is a marvelous documentation of Mr. Chen’s travel experiences during the past 40 years and covered many countries, including Panama, the United States, China, Italy, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia. Through his writing, you can understand the history and appreciate the cultural background of these places. It is far beyond the eyes of a casual tourist. Most importantly, as he mentioned in the closing article below, the desire to document his life and travel experience for his sons and future generations has provided the drive to undertake such an onerous task in his retirement. As volunteers in the BigBall Earth Caring Humanity Association, we are honored to have the opportunity to provide this platform for his remarkable work!
From Mr. Chen: 陳昌智老先生的書后語:
「陌麈落地」及「羈旅雁鳴」得力於美籍華裔科技文化界先進唐宗英先生鼎力相助,發表於碧波網站( BigBall Earth)及Google網路。
壹:回首羈旅路 猶聞雁鳴聲 (代序) 《詩經》小雅.鴻雁,有《鴻雁于飛,肅肅其羽。鴻雁于飛,集于中澤。鴻雁于飛,哀鳴嗷嗷。》之句。
鴻與雁通,比喻流民。肅肅,形容鴻雁飛行發出的聲音。中澤,棲息之地。嗷嗷,流民等待救濟之意。可見西元前八百年,人類就有了移民現象。遊牧民族,如鴻雁一般,逐水草而居,是標準的移民形態。 因各地區不同的社會現象,如宗教、政治、經濟、種族迫害等原因,而離開本土,遷移他鄉者。如愛因斯坦,因政治追殺而移民美國,華僑因家鄕生活艱難,而奔走海外。1949年,200萬軍民隨國民政府遷台,又是史上最大一次的移民。(1)
民國68年(1979年),美國承認中華人民共和國,父親的生意陷入困境,兩個稚幼的孩子面臨升學壓力,個人的經濟拮据,妻子自幼僑居越南適應海外生活,內兄在中華民國駐巴拿馬共和國大使館擔任僑務秘書,我還年輕未及四十,以及中國國民黨中央評議委員陳奉天先生推薦,擔任駐巴拿馬黨支部秘書,有一份可以維持基本生活的工作。 諸多原因促成了一生中最大的一次賭注,早眷屬八個月,於這年10月30日,像一隻單飛的孤雁,跨越太平洋,前往中美洲的巴拿馬,當了華僑。(2)
在至親摯友長輩前輩的鼓勵下,期勉自己,能在一年之內,完成這部《羈旅雁鳴》。這段歷史是千千萬萬個移民家庭,有血有淚的故事。回首羈旅路, 猶聞雁鳴聲。(4,完)
Category: Memoirs 回忆录
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